Building permits are required by law for any construction, alteration, repair, move, or demolition of a building or structure. Our Building Permit Application Guideline (PDF) will provide you with information on what you will need a permit for.
Specific documentation is required for your permit application as well as site plans, floor plans and others.
The Town of Golden has adopted the BC Energy Step Code. Step Code sets minimum levels of Energy Efficiency and requires all new buildings to be energy modelled by an Energy Advisor. The modelling report needs to be included in the Permit Application documents. More information on BC Energy Step code is provided below.
The Town of Golden’s Building Official will be pleased to assist you with any questions you may have and can be reached by email.
Building Regulations Bylaw (Bylaw No. 1299, 2012 Building Regulations)
Building Permits
In order for individuals to build, demolish or alter a building within our community, it is required by law to make an application to your local government. The purpose of this is to ensure that safety is a priority and to get the right support.
When making an application to demolish a building, you will be asked to follow building code requirements (Part 8 “Safety measure at construction and demolition sites”), conduct proper site clean up and ensure that water lines, power and gas lines, as well as any other electronic service is shut off, to ensure safety for members of our community.
To make an application please review the building permit guidelines below and then complete the fillable Building Permit Application (PDF).
Building Permit Guidelines
Below are lists to help you determine if you need a permit or not. If in doubt, contact our Development Services team at 250-344-2271 or by email.
BC Energy Step Code
The Town of Golden has adopted the BC Energy Step Code as of March 2, 2022. Step Code is a provincially legislated initiative to gradually and incrementally introduce energy efficiency requirements for new buildings, aiming for “net zero ready” buildings by 2032.