Development Services provides the framework for community development that relates to the priorities in the Official Community Plan. The department combines Planning, Building, and Bylaw Enforcement to formulate policies and standards for new development, manage approvals of all types of land development, regulate building construction, ensure compliance with community standards, and facilitate development of best practices to protect the environment and the residents.
Find out more about developing land and bylaws related to planning and development in Golden.
Development Permits
In the Official Community Plan there are designated Development Permit Areas where specific guidelines for development apply. Development Permit Areas include lands intended for multiple residential use, commercial or industrial use, or environmentally sensitive lands. Development within a Development Permit Area must obtain a Development Permit prior to commencing.
Form and Character permits are the most common type of Development Permits. A Form and Character Development Permit focuses on the creation of an attractive and well-integrated development. Form and Character Development Permits control design features including: building siting, exterior design finishing, landscaping, neighbourhood context, access, and parking.
Development Variance Permits
Development Variance Permits (DVPs) are a mechanism that allows a property owner or an authorized applicant to seek a variance from specific requirements of the Zoning Bylaw, the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, or the Sign Bylaw, except use or density requirements.
About Subdivisions
A subdivision alters the legal property boundaries for a parcel of land and includes dividing a property into smaller parcels, consolidating several parcels into one, creating a bare land strata or changing the alignment of an existing property line. All required works and services must be completed in accordance with Subdivision and development Servicing Bylaw.