The Town of Golden is committed to sound financial management and developing a responsible budget. Under the Community Charter, the Town is required to adopt a five year financial plan bylaw before May 15 of each year. The Budget steps include:
- Planning: Managers provide project work sheets to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and they review and prioritize the projects. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) provides final administrative approval.
- Council Consideration: Council considers the CAO’s approvals to determine what will be included in the draft financial plan.
- First Reading: The draft package is prepared and given 1st reading by Council.
- Public Consultation: Residents are given the opportunity to review the plan, comment and ask questions. A summary of public input is then presented to Council and revisions to the plan can be made in preparation for 2nd and 3rd Readings. Final adoption must take place before May 15.
2024 Budget
The 2024 Budget and 2024-2028 Financial Plan is now available:
Tuesday, March 5:
- Standing Committee on Finance Meeting at 6 p.m.: Initial draft Budget presentation
- Regular Open Council Meeting at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 19:
- Standing Committee on Finance Meeting at 11 a.m.: Tax Rate setting discussion
- Regular Open Council meeting at 1:15 p.m.: Proposed first reading of the 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
March 20 - April 3: Public Consultation Period
Tuesday, April 2:
- Standing Committee on Finance Meeting at 6 p.m.: Tax Rate Scenarios
- Regular Open Council meeting at 7 p.m.: Proposed second reading of the 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
Tuesday, April 9:
- Special Open Council Meeting at noon: Council consideration of public input regarding the proposed budget.
Tuesday, April 16:
- Regular Open Council meeting at 1:15 p.m.:
- Proposed third reading of the 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
- Proposed first, second and third reading of the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw
Tuesday, May 7:
- Regular Open Council meeting at 7 p.m.:
- Proposed adoption of the 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
- Proposed adoption of the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw
- Meeting service level expectations & keeping up with growth: the proposed budget will allow the Town of Golden to maintain current service levels while also meeting the changing needs and expectations of a growing community. The budget allows the Town to continue delivering core programs and services, while still saving for the future through reserve contributions.
- Budget increase: in an environment of increasing costs, the proposed budget increase will allow the Town to offset increasing costs, while still presenting a responsible budget that does not require a large tax increase. Despite a 14 per cent increase to the municipal budget to achieve this, the initial estimated average tax increase is approximately 6.6 per cent, based on what is proposed in the 2024 Budget Book. This reflects what is happening across most municipalities in B.C.
- 2024 Notable projects and initiatives:
- The Downtown Plaza Revitalization project will be officially completed this spring.
- Work will begin on Well 7 at Dogwood Park.
- Continued progress will be made on the Integrated Sanitary Sewer Upgrades project, along with the replacement of the Edelweiss sanitary lift station.
- Additional earthen dike work is scheduled along the Kicking Horse River.
- Staff support will continue to be provided for the provincial Kicking Horse Bridge replacement project.
- Short-term rental regulations will be implemented.
- Council Chambers will undergo an audio-visual upgrade to support recorded meetings, enhancing transparency and information accessibility.
- Work will continue on the Mount 7 Rec Plex block to enhance the recreation experiences being offered.
- Portions of the Trans-Canada Highway corridor will see new irrigation infrastructure and an expanded washroom facility at the Visitor Information Centre will be built.
Residents of Golden were invited to provide feedback on the proposed budget and financial plan from March 20 to April 3 through the following opportunities:
- Online Survey: an online survey was made available from March 20 to April 3, receiving 69 responses. Check out the What We Heard Report.
- Attend an upcoming Council Meeting: there was space allocated on the April 2 Council meeting agendas for a conversation with Council about the proposed budget.
- Email and mail: correspondence was also accepted during the public consultation period.
The public consultation period ended on April 3, 2024.
Previous Budgets
The Town of Golden's 2023 budget process has come to an end. The proposed 2023 Budget and 2023-2027 five-year Financial Plan is available in the Budget Book:
Highlights from the 2023 Budget:
- Budget increase: Last year the municipal property taxes collected from Golden residents was $6.19 million. As in prior years, Council sets a percentage increase to this portion of the budget based on the money needed to provide municipal services. This year, to offset inflation while still being cognizant of the impact on residents, Council is targeting a 6 per cent increase. While a 6 per cent increase will not balance the effects of inflation, it will help the municipality keep up with inflation while maintaining service levels. As always, the Town will be actively searching for as many grants as possible to alleviate the local tax burden for planned capital projects.
- Reserves: Town staff will re-examine the reserve policy in 2023 to ensure adequate balances in forthcoming years.
- 2023 Notable expenditures and initiatives: the downtown transformation will continue with a complete street renewal of 6th Street North, between Ford and the Downtown Auto Wash, and the redevelopment of the Post Office Plaza; another phase of boulevard beautification work on the Trans Canada Highway will take place; Golden Fire Rescue will purchase a new fire truck; repaving will start on the 500 block of 8th Street South; the skatepark expansion and Mount 7 Rec-Plex Block will be completed this year; and capital improvements to water and sewer systems will take place, keeping the most fundamental infrastructure for the community functional for the long term.
Budget News Releases:
- January 25, 2023: Town of Golden invites public to provide input on the 2023 Budget Book
- May 9, 2023: Town Council approves 2023 Budget and Property Tax Rates
Public Consultation:
Residents of Golden were invited to provide feedback on the proposed budget and financial plan from January 25 to February 21, 2023 through the following opportunities:
Online Survey: an online survey was made available from January 25 to February 21 receiving 90 responses. Check out the What We Heard Report.
Attend an upcoming Council Meeting: There was space allocated on the February 7 and 21 Council meeting agendas for a conversation with Council about the proposed budget.
Email and mail: correspondence was also accepted during the public consultation period.
2023 Budget Schedule
January 24 at 1:15 p.m. - Regular Open Council Meeting: Proposed first reading of the 2023-2027 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
January 25 to February 21: Public Consultation Period.
February 7 at 7 p.m. - Regular Open Council Meeting: Proposed second reading of the 2023-2027 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
February 21 at 1:15 p.m. - Regular Open Council Meeting
February 28 at 1:15 p.m. - Special Open Council Meeting: Council consideration of public input regarding the proposed budget.
March 7 at 7 p.m. - Regular Open Council Meeting: Proposed third reading of the 2023-2027 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
March 14 at 1:15 p.m. - Standing Committee on Finance Meeting: Tax Rate Scenarios
March 21 at 1:15 p.m. - Regular Open Council Meeting: Proposed adoption of the 2023-2027 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw
Council agendas and Zoom links are available the Friday before each meeting at
The Town of Golden's 2022 budget process has come to an end. The proposed 2022 Budget and 2022-2026 five-year Financial Plan is available in the Budget Book:
Highlights from the 2022 Budget:
- Budget increase: Council is targeting a 5 per cent budget increase for 2022. While a 5 per cent increase will not balance the effects of inflation, it will help the municipality keep up with inflation while maintaining service levels. Town staff will re-examine the reserve policy in 2023 to ensure adequate balances in forthcoming years. As always, the Town will be actively searching for as many grants as possible to alleviate the local tax burden for planned capital projects.
- 2022 Notable expenditures and initiatives: the much anticipated 9th Avenue North street renewal project will be completed by July; the Transportation and Active Transportation plans will be complete this year, setting a vision for the future of transportation in our community; the basketball courts and outdoor rink base will be replaced; a new floor is set to be installed at the Mount 7 Rec Plex; and continued work will take place to upgrade and maintain our community dike infrastructure.
Budget News Releases:
- May 16, 2022: Town Council approves 2022 Budget and Property Tax Rates.
- April 12, 2022: Budget Book and proposed Financial Plan now available.
Public Consultation:
Residents were invited to provide feedback on the proposed budget and financial plan from April 12 - 26, 2022 through the following opportunities:
Online survey: an online survey was made available from April 12-25 receiving 72 responses. Check out the What We Heard Report.
Council Meeting: there was space allocated on the April 26 Special Open Council Meeting agenda for a conversation with Council about the proposed budget
Email and mail: correspondence was also accepted during the public consultation period.