
The Town of Golden is committed to sound financial management and developing a responsible budget. Under the Community Charter, the Town is required to adopt a five year financial plan bylaw before May 15 of each year. The Budget steps include:

  • Planning: Managers provide project work sheets to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and they review and prioritize the projects. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) provides final administrative approval.
  • Council Consideration: Council considers the CAO’s approvals to determine what will be included in the draft financial plan.
  • First Reading: The draft package is prepared and given 1st reading by Council.
  • Public Consultation: Residents are given the opportunity to review the plan, comment and ask questions. A summary of public input is then presented to Council and revisions to the plan can be made in preparation for 2nd and 3rd Readings. Final adoption must take place before May 15. 

2024 Budget

The 2024 Budget and 2024-2028 Financial Plan is now available:

2024 Budget Book

Previous Budgets