Sewage Treatment Plant Aeration Blower Replacements

A contractor will be replacing two existing aeration blowers at the sewage treatment plant in April. 

Blowers provide air to the lagoon system and play an integral part in the treatment of incoming effluent. Blower replacements are required as the existing units are at the end of their lifecycle.

For a period of approximately three weeks in April from approximately April 8 - 27, the lagoons will be serviced by one blower instead of the two units that are typically in-service. Additionally, during this time there will be two separate days that will require a complete shutdown of air delivery to the lagoons to allow for mechanical and electrical disconnects and reconnects.

During this time and particularly during the two days of complete air shutdown, elevated odour generation from the plant may be a result.

Odour generation will be influenced in large part by ambient air temperatures and precipitation during the period of work.

Crews will be working to complete all work as quickly as possible to reduce potential odour affects for the surrounding community.

The Town appreciates your patience and understanding during this important phase of infrastructure renewal at the treatment plant. 

Public Notices