Utility bills go out this month

It 's the time of year when you will be receiving your utility bill and you might be thinking, "Just exactly what am I paying for?" We hope to shed a little light on this with some facts about water, sewer and waste collection services in Golden.

Water services:

Did you know?

Golden 's water is so good that we don 't have to treat it the way some other centres do! Our water comes from a groundwater aquifer. Aquifers can be natural filters that trap sediment and pathogens to provide natural purification of the ground water flowing through them. In Golden 's case, our water quality is excellent and doesn 't require filtration or chemical treatments to remove contaminants.

*There are five groundwater wells with a combined total pumping capacity of 125 Litres per second.

*There are five reservoirs with a total storage capacity of about 6.96 Mega Litres.

*Water is distributed to the community through about 39 kilometres of water lines.

*Golden 's water is not required to be continuously disinfected, though chlorine is added on occasion when the Public Works team is performing maintenance on the system.

*Our Operations Department works hard to protect our water with a robust and ongoing groundwater protection program.

Sewer services:

Did you know?

*Golden has about 36 kilometres of sewer lines.

*Our collection system has the capacity to process 4251 cubic metres per day of effluent.

*Within the collection system, we have six lift stations and a sewage treatment plant.

*In 2016, the Town received a grant through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund to complete one component of work identified in our Community Sewer System Improvements project. This work included lining of one aeration basin and one sludge digester basin along with replacement and enhancement of aeration equipment in both lagoons to improve the overall effluent treatment process.

*We are also in the midst of a final tendering process for other improvements to our wastewater system under a New Building Canada Fund grant.

Curbside garbage collection and recycling services:

Did you know?

*Garbage (green bin) pickup occurs weekly and recycling (blue bin) occurs every two weeks. A Curbside Collection Calendar is included with your annual utility bill.

*Golden manages its single-family residential recycling with the Recycle BC program (formerly known as Multi Material BC). Recycle BC holds contracts with many municipalities and Regional Districts to facilitate depot services, and transport of accepted materials back to large recycling facilities.

*It 's Recycle BC, through an approved Ministry of Environment Stewardship Plan that determines what can be recycled, not the Town of Golden. To learn more, visit their website at www.recyclebc.ca.

*Your annual utility bill will be arriving this month in the mail. If you do not receive one, please contact the Town offices at 250-344-2271. Due date for payment is March 29, 2018.


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