Submitting a Petition to Council

A petition is a document addressed to Mayor and Council (or a Committee) and signed by an unspecified number of individuals. In most cases, a petition is a request to provide support or opposition to a matter under debate.

A petition, in order to be considered must:

  • be addressed to Council (or Committee);
  • clearly state the specific area of interest for the petition, followed by the position or request in point form on each page of the document;
  • include the petition organizer and contact person name, civic address, phone number and email address;
  • provide a space for petitioners that includes their printed name, signature, civic address and date the petition was signed; and
  • note on each page of the signed petition that petitions received by the Town of Golden are deemed to be public records and names and addresses are subject to public disclosure and may be published in a meeting agenda, which is posted on the Town’s website, if the matter comes before Council or Committee. 

Petitions should be submitted to the Corporate Services Department by email or fax your petition to (250) 344-6577. However, the original petition must still be submitted to the Corporate Services Department.

The deadline for items to be included on a Council agenda for consideration is the Thursday before a Council meeting before noon.