dog on leash winter

Responsible Pet Ownership

 The Town of Golden works with residents to make sure cats, dogs, their owners and neighbours are safe and can enjoy Golden and all it has to offer.

Below are some reminders about Responsible Pet Ownership in Golden.

Responsible Pet Ownership & Animal Bylaw Update

The Town of Golden is committed to working with residents to make sure pets, their owners and neighbours are safe and can enjoy Golden and all it has to offer. In addition, we’re responsible for making sure our bylaws remain up to date as our community grows and priorities shift with changing times and priorities.

Based on research and examples from similar communities, advice from legal experts, and leaders in municipal animal control and the BC SPCA, our goal is to have an updated bylaw that is evidence-based and balanced.

Some topics we plan to address in our updated bylaw include:

  • Pets in parks.
  • On-and-off-leash areas.
  • Backyard hens/ducks.
  • Updates to align with BC SPCA best practices.
  • Revised definitions and procedures to effectively address designation and incidents with aggressive dogs.

Here are a few things to note from the current Animal Bylaw No. 1157: