Make a Payment

The Town of Golden offers a number of ways to make a payment, whether you're paying your property taxes, or utility bill, renewing your dog licence or paying a ticket.

Payment Options

Pay online with a credit card

The Town of Golden is now accepting online payments with select credit cards through the secure OptionPay System (with applicable third party fees).  Payments for certain Town services may be paid by credit card online now in addition to the previously offered option to pay directly through internet banking. Some services must be paid in person at Town Hall as the invoice may need to be customized. 

Make your payment online

Services Currently Offered on OptionPay

In order to make your payments online, there are some required numbers on your notices/bills that you will need. Choose the service type below for instructions on how to find those numbers required to make your payments. 

Online Services

Online Services provides residents a platform to view their utility and tax bills. To use Online Services you must first register for an online account. Registering will enable you to view your utility invoices and account balances once you receive your notices in the mail. 

You will need the Online Services Code located on your Utility Invoice or Tax Notice. If you have any questions regarding the Online Services, please contact the Town of Golden at (250) 344-2271.

Register for Online Services