Empty street in downtown Golden

Roads & Infrastructure

The Town of Golden is responsible for maintaining, clearing, plowing, sanding and sweeping more than 55km of roadways and over 20km of trails and sidewalks within the town's boundaries. 

To report an issue, such as potholes, sidewalk tripping hazards or flooding in roadways, please contact Town Hall during regular business hours at 250-344-2271. If there is an issue outside of business hours, please call the Town of Golden after-hours emergency number at 1-866-951-7449.

Transportation Planning

Learn about the Town of Golden's Transportation Plan.

Sidewalks and Trails

View the Sidewalks and Trails Map


The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Golden Area Office is responsible  for Highway 95 (10th Ave) and the Trans-Canada Highway.

Street Lights

To report a street light outage, contact BC Hydro by email or call 1-866-266-6366.