Downtown street with parked cars


The Town of Golden has many convenient and accessible parking spaces for those doing business or visiting our community.

Most on-street parking is all day unless otherwise posted.

a map of parking areas in Golden with text

Parking downtown

The downtown core has a limit of two hour parking between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. unless otherwise posted. The goal of parking time limits is to ensure customers in the downtown area can park in these high demand areas to shop, eat and do business in the downtown core. 

View parking map

Long-term and all-day parking

For business operators/employees (please use your parking lots if applicable) and/or for those that require longer term parking there are many all-day stalls including north of 6th St N, the CP parking lot, the parking lot by the Kicking Horse River Bridge and recently two thirds of the Main Street angled stalls were converted from 2 hour parking to all day parking.Please note, there is no overnight parking except when a vehicle is parked adjacent to a residence (provided the vehicle is in operating condition).

Parking regulations and enforcement

Residents and visitors are asked to adhere to all bylaws and posted signs. This includes ensuring accessible spots remain open for those who need them; keeping drive aisle and lanes clear; and not parking in such a way that it obstructs snow removal (in the winter) or emergency vehicles (year round). Permitting debris or equipment to accumulate and parking unlicensed vehicles, on public lanes, alleys and boulevards is an offence under the Town’s Traffic, Parking & Streets Bylaw.

Bylaw surveys all streets and lanes in the municipality for the purposes of getting vehicles, RVs and other obstructions relocated by owners.

Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense and residents having debris accumulations adjacent to their properties in lanes and alleys may be subject to fines.

Parking when there is no signage

Not all parking rules in the Town of Golden require signed zones. Parking regulations are enforced under the Traffic, Parking & Streets Bylaw Regulations No. 1482, 2024.

Paying a Parking Ticket

The Town of Golden offers a number of ways to make a payment, whether you're paying your property taxes, or utility bill, renewing your dog licence or paying a ticket.

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