Garbage bin at the curb

Garbage & Recycling

Garbage and recycling is collected from over 1400 households in Golden. This service is paid for through utility bills that arrive annually in February.

All eligible residents on the weekly curbside garbage pick-up program have standardized containers for garbage and recycling collection. 

Recycle BC holds contracts with many municipalities and regional districts to facilitate depot services, and transport of accepted materials back to large recycling facilities. For information on additional services provided by the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, including the landfill and recycling depot programs, please visit their services page.

News: CSRD Solid Waste Management Plan Update

In 2023, the CSRD started conducting a full review of its Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP), as prescribed by provincial legislation. This plan will guide the CSRD's policies related to managing garbage and recycling into the future. For all info, please see the Solid Waste Management Plan Project Page on the CSRD Connect Engagement platform. 


Garbage (black bin) collection occurs weekly and recycling (blue bin) is collected every two weeks. The curbside collection calendar, a map, and a link to our bylaw (which includes information on fees) can be viewed below:

2025 Curbside Collection Calendar & Map

Curbside Collection Map

Waste Management and Collection Services Bylaw No. 1458, 2021

Recycling materials collected at the curbside are transported to recycling facilities by Recycle BC. Learn more about Recycle BC.


The bear-resistant black (garbage) and blue (recyclables) bins are the standard containers for curbside collection. Collectors will not accept any garbage and recycling unless it is placed in your bin.

Bins are owned by the municipality and are assigned to a property's address and must stay there. Do not take them with you if you move. 

If you have clips or a bin that needs replacing, please email Public Works with your address and detailed information and we will work with VP Waste to have your bin assessed for damage and repaired or replaced as deemed necessary. ⁣

The Town will replace broken clips and containers due to general wear and tear. If it is determined that a bin has been damaged due to misuse or improper storage of the bin, the resident will be required to pay for a replacement container. The fee for a new container is $165. Assessments of violations are provided by both our collector and Bylaw Enforcement staff.⁣

What goes where

Garbage or recycling placed in anything other than the provided bins will not be collected. Bins will not be emptied if:

  • It is not placed correctly at the curb, or is placed in a snow bank
  • The lid is not fully closed and unlocked in the case of bear resistant bins
  • It is damaged to the point where it cannot be used
  • Your blue (recycles) bin has garbage or glass in it
  • Your black (garbage) bin has recyclables or yard waste in it


Collection service details, information for businesses:

Bin repair or replacement:

Program rules and conditions:

Golden Landfill:

CSRD Garbage and Recycling and Hazardous Waste Depot information:

  • Call 250-832-8194 or 1-888-248-2773 (toll-free)