The Town of Golden implemented regulations on the use of herbicides and pesticides in 2010.
For Residents
The Town’s Pesticide Regulation Bylaw prohibits the use of chemical insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides for cosmetic purposes on public and private property in the Town of Golden.
Examples of pesticides prohibited under the bylaw include the following:
- Herbicides - products which control and kill weeds and unwanted plants
- Combined lawn fertilizer & herbicide products
- Insecticides - products which control and kill unwanted insects or bugs
- Fungicides - products which kill mold or fungus
These products can only be used in certain situations such as to manage pests or noxious weeds that pose an environmental or health threat as authorized by the Town of a higher public authority. The Town may use herbicides to control noxious weeds as defined in the BC Weed Control Act.
The Town's use of Herbicides
Weeds tend to grow in asphalt cracks, gutter lines and sidewalk expansion joints. These weeds can damage the road and sidewalk surfaces and create a safety hazard for pedestrians, motorists and cyclists. The town's annual weed control program is intended to address weed growth in these areas and other areas of concern.
Annually, contractors use minimal amounts of herbicide as part of the Town’s annual weed control program. Work takes place to treat high-priority invasive plants throughout the community on public lands. This work is done in accordance with the Town’s Pesticide Regulation Bylaw and as required by the Provincial Weed Control Act.
Notices are posted by the contractor near treatment areas and are typically posted for up to two weeks following treatment.
If you see a sign on a lawn or a boulevard, please note that the area that has been treated is the sidewalk as part of sidewalk cracks and crevice control to prevent infrastructure damage, not the grass.