BC Wildfire reports that the small-scale ignition for the area between the Columbia River and the fire perimeter, north of Malone Road was partially implemented yesterday (July 29). This small-scale ignition was to be conducted using a combination of aerial and hand ignitions. The hand ignitions were implemented; however, the aerial ignition was postponed due to a shift in wind direction and will be reevaluated when conditions allow.
The goal of this planned ignition was to bring the active fire perimeter to already established control lines, under fire behaviour conditions that are more suitable for efficient and effective fire suppression efforts. This planned ignition will only proceed as site and weather conditions allow.
Smoke from this planned ignition will be highly visible to the communities of Parson and Castledale as well as those travelling along Highway 95.
BC Wildfire crews continue to focus on priority areas in the interface going direct attack on the fires edge, extinguishing hotspots and reinforcing guards, heavy equipment work and structure protection work. For up-to-date information on BC Wildfire operations on the Dogtooth wildfire, visit www.bcwildfire.ca
The Evacuation Order in the Parson area remains in place and the Evacuation Alert in the area south of Champagne Rd. remains in place. View all information and alerts a www.golden.ca/news
The Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) in Golden remains activated. The Reception Centre at the Golden Senior Centre will continue to be open today (July 30) from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and daily from noon to 4 p.m. moving forward. If you or someone you know needs assistance setting up Alertable to notify you by text, email or landline, or setting up the BC Services App, please feel free to stop by the Reception Centre for assistance.
A reminder that wildfires are dynamic and can change rapidly, be prepared and stay tuned to official news sources. Official news sources include:
- The Town of Golden website at golden.ca
- Town of Golden social media channels @townofgolden on Facebook and Instagram.
- The Alertable system. Sign up at www.csrd.bc.ca/alertable to receive emergency alerts on your smartphone through the app, or by text, email or landline. In your location settings, make sure to set your locations for Columbia Shuswap Electoral Area A as well as the Town of Golden. If you need support setting up Alertable, volunteers at the Reception Centre at the Golden Senior Centre can help.
- The CSRD Emergency Information Dashboard for detailed maps of Evacuation Order and Alert areas: https://bit.ly/3zRjzoR
- For information regarding wildfires and wildfire operations, visit www.bcwildfire.ca or download the BC Wildfire Service app.
- Highway 95 is open at this time. Conditions can change rapidly, check http://www.drivebc.ca before you travel.
With a wildfire in the Golden area, it is a good idea to get prepared in case of an evacuation. You can streamline the process of receiving Emergency Support Services (ESS) by self-registering now on the Evacuee Registration and Assistance website at ess.gov.bc.ca.
Take time now to build a grab-and-go kit and make an emergency plan. You can learn about this at preparedbc.ca