
The Town of Golden is committed to making sure residents are engaged and updated about projects in our community. Stay up-to-date on current projects and major initiatives happening in Golden. 

Category: Town Projects
On February 15, Town Council made a unanimous decision to engage and commit to the 100% Renewable Kootenays Energy Plan initiative.
Category: Partner Projects
The Canyon to Confluence Initiative (C2Ci) is an effort to bring to life an integrated vision for how the community of Golden interacts with, protects, and celebrates the section of the Kicking Horse river that passes through town - from canyon to the
Category: Partner Projects
The Columbia Basin Climate Source is a source for information about climate change, climate change data, impacts, and actions in the region.
Category: Partner Projects
The Columbia River Treaty is a trans-boundary water management agreement between the United States and Canada signed in 1961 and ratified in 1964. In May 2018, Canada and the United States launched negotiations to modernize the Columbia River Treaty.
Category: Town Projects
The Town of Golden is one of eight communities in the Kootenay Rockies region to receive funding through the Tourism Dependent Communities Initiative.
Category: Town Projects
Earlier this year, the Golden Skateboard Association secured funding through the Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program for the Golden Skatepark Expansion Project.
Category: Partner Projects
For project updates and information, visit
Category: Partner Projects
The Columbia Shuswap Regional, with support from the Town of Golden, sought input on the potential for an indoor aquatic centre as part of a feasibility study.
Category: Partner Projects
A historic moment for the Shuswap Band, Town of Golden, and Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) Area A was celebrated on November 21, 2022 at the Shuswap Band office near Invermere.
Category: Town Projects
In September 2021, the Kicking Horse River Dike Improvement Project was completed and The River Walk officially opened to the public.