Willowbank Land Management Corp. has been contracted by the Town of Golden to carry out Wildfire mitigation work in Canyon Ridge Park. The purpose of this project is to increase neighbourhood resiliency in the event of wildfire.
The work is set to begin January 23, 2025, for approximately 3 weeks.
During this time, we ask that residents adhere to all signage and that you do not enter the active work zone during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday for your safety (see map below). The outdoor rink and swing/slide area will be closed on certain days for safety when falling and removing trees. Signage will be in place during those days.
While crews do their part to enhance your neighbourhood’s resiliency, you can do your part as well. Learn more about how to FireSmart your property at www.firesmartbc.ca